Students from the American Indian Youth Enrichment Summer Program and SPPS Flip Side After School Summer Program exhibiting some of their work from over the summer. Some of the pieces are for sale and the money goes directly to the students. All of the students were in the program via Distance Learning during the 2020 summer of the Covid-19 Pandemic. If you are interested in purchasing a painting email mgarrigan@interfaithaction.org for details.
1. Aubrie Bugg 3rd Grade
1.No Title 2020 $10.00 2.No Title 2020 $19.00 3.No Title 2020 $10.00 4.No Title 2020 $5.00 5.No Title 2020 $20.00 6.No Title 2020 $20.00
2. Nathan – 1st grade and
Isaac kindergarten

Nathan- first grade

3. Brianna grade unknown